Safe & settled
We believe that children thrive in a happy, safe and secure environment and we want you and your child to feel that our setting is an extension of home – we are more than just a nursery.
Before your baby starts at nursery we offer an optional home visit so that we can really understand your baby’s needs. Our staff will support your child's first few days in the nursery with great sensitivity and we will happily accommodate your family's routines as part of settling in. We'll encourage you to spend time in the nursery, providing you with any information you need, and lots of cups of tea or coffee!
Before your baby starts at nursery we offer an optional home visit so that we can really understand your baby’s needs. Our staff will support your child's first few days in the nursery with great sensitivity and we will happily accommodate your family's routines as part of settling in. We'll encourage you to spend time in the nursery, providing you with any information you need, and lots of cups of tea or coffee!
A Beautiful Space for Babies to Grow
At Little Fledglings we take children from 6 weeks old in our “Baby Nest”; a dedicated space, within our open plan room, with lots of natural light and a separate cosy sleep area, which adjoins the “Nest”.
Children move up into the Toddler Area, when they are confident walkers and when it’s suitable for their developmental needs, where they can explore experiences including construction, imaginative play, and the exploration of materials. They are cared for by our experienced and caring practitioners.
Children move up into the Toddler Area, when they are confident walkers and when it’s suitable for their developmental needs, where they can explore experiences including construction, imaginative play, and the exploration of materials. They are cared for by our experienced and caring practitioners.
We believe that children are intelligent, inquisitive learners, eager to make sense of the world around them. This strong and powerful image of the child influences how we work with children, supporting them in their discoveries and sharing in their wonder and their ideas.
Children are keen to explore and investigate and our role is to support their investigations and teamwork and give them time to reflect on their learning.
Children are keen to explore and investigate and our role is to support their investigations and teamwork and give them time to reflect on their learning.
Keeping Parents InvolveD
We keep you involved in your child’s progress sharing our observations with you through the online-based Baby’s Days Learning Journal. We document using photos and videos along with comments by your child and you can access these at home and share them with your family. We also meet with you regularly to talk about your child’s development. Please also look for information on the white board outside where we share the experiences that the children have had each day.